Tuesday 11 September 2012

Take care of your body

The body is also important for our mothers who have learned to fight against the effects of aging by doing small exercises easy and regular. No strenuous sport, but repeated movements every day to maintain shape and avoid small curves to settle permanently. Listen to them...

Perfect skin and hair barrel, it tells you everything!

There are gestures that beauty is adopted at the corner of a magazine, beauty, or on the advice of a friend. And there are acts that we have inherited from our mothers love. Rituals passed without even realizing it and are part of our daily lives. Thus they continue to whisper in our ear:

-Honey, do not ever t'être cleansed layer is the secret of fresh and healthy skin.

Leave the Light On

This summer, your skin has taken a nice caramel color that you do not want to let go. To extend its effects beyond August 30, continue tomaintain as a precious object...

- Continue cure capsules solar. If they prepare the skin for tanning, they also have the power to prolong the tan to offer a good rab mine. Be careful, if you smoke, bet on a diet rich in carotenoids (pumpkin, carrots, squash ...) rather than solar

The actions of brushing, you'll master

The scalp has many points in common with the facial skin. First and foremost, the famous overactive sebaceous glands which can smother the prettiest hair. An implacable enemy, primarily responsible for dull hair.

First instinct easy and essential: do not hesitate to "aerate" the hair and remove impurities with a brush morning and evening. Without going to the famous "100 strokes" recommended by our grandmothers, it must be careful and delicate.

Reflexes beauty for hair soft and silky

In fresh water, your hair you will squeal

Did you know that the temperature of the water affects the beauty of your hair? Water that is too hot and your hair may lubricate faster. Water that is too cold and shampoo not rinsed thoroughly, make your hair dull.

Quickly hair removal hair

And if you start with the most unpleasant? Because what they say, hair removal is rarely fun. But it is essential to provide a clear and smooth skin. The most effective technique, the waxing.

Hot or cold, your choice! So yes, it hurts alittle, but this technique is definitely the best hair removal for zero defects and new growth later. For comforters, there are also depilatory cream and razor, a gentler technique, but with very limited action in time.

Exfoliate, breathe!

After the summer, the skin tends to thicken. Does not please him, he has had it protects from the sun. But after the holidays, it is essential to find a scrub skin texture and refined net.

Texture, texture you said?

The principle of self-tanner is extremely simple: it contains chestnut bark or cane sugar in the molecule (DHA) causes the color ofthe skin. That will guide your choice is primarily texture, but also because the color is now self-tanning for pale skin or tanned skin.

- For the face

Drawing eyebrows

1 - The perfect eyebrow

Step 1: Place a pencil vertically against the side of the nose and the extension of the inner corner of the eye. Mark with a wealth of makeup, excess tweezers' nose side. "

Step 2: Drag this time the pencil tip (Tip should always against the wing of the nose) to the outer corner of the eye mark too.


Eye shadow’s choice

1 - The choice of color

The natural rather choose neutral colors and let yourself be guided by the color of your hair and your eyes.
If you want to focus on your eyes, try more original colors (blue duck for brown eyes, gold eyes green or black coal for all colors of iris).


The best ideas are often the simplest. Witness, in the 60s, a Chilean doctor noted that the state of his patients improved when asked to express their emotions physically to music. In 1977, this technique grows throughout South America, outside of hospital settings, and takes the name of Biodanza.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Types of nose…

- To narrow the nose, apply the dark shade on the side of the nose with a brush by making small circular movements, and then stretch the shade throughout the nose to the outer edge. Repeat the application on the other side of the nose. Use the brush to blend product without shade and blend the rest of the face. Work must be done slowly fades up and down the nose. (From top to bottom of the nose)

- To refine and perfect the nose above the bridge of the nose, use flash illuminator neutral or light shade in the middle of the bridge, not to encroach on the shadows created on each side. Start the application under the forehead between the eyebrows and extend downwardly from the nose.

Advantages of cream and blush…

Even if you only have 5 minutes to spend with beauty enough. First thing to know, we prefer an Illuminator to a foundation. Rich inpigments, the Illuminator will capture the light to illuminate your face in no time. "It is essential I feel good. For the application is simple: take a small amount of product in the palm of your hands. Then place it on the forehead, chin, cheeks and smooth from the center of the face outwards. Apply as a day cream. Its advantage is that it melts into the skin and helps to hidethe small spots".

What are the clothes and accessories that streamline?

Summer approaches, despite the pages of newspapers and several television features I want to convince to the contrary, I already know that I cannot become a silhouette and show off a perfect line. Since you can no longer hide behind sweaters and coats in winter I wonder if there are little tricks to look thinner and hide my imperfections choosing the right clothing.

For example, it is true that dress in black and wear clothes with vertical lines? What are the clothes that I absolutely avoid? Those who grow fat and highlight the flaws?

Hyaluronic acid: what is it and what is the

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body and is produced by Fibroblasts, which are designed to hydrate the tissues, giving them firmness and plasticity.