Saturday 8 September 2012

Hyaluronic acid: what is it and what is the

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule that occurs naturally in the body and is produced by Fibroblasts, which are designed to hydrate the tissues, giving them firmness and plasticity.

With the passage of time the amount of Hyaluronic acid present in the organism tends to decrease, hence the aging of the skin with the appearance of wrinkles and the loss of elasticity of the tissues, such as those of the joints. The Hyaluronic acid absorbs water, the holds and releases it in accordance with the needs of the organism and therefore maintains the proper hydration and moisture of the tissues.

Not only that this molecule lubricates your joints and absorbs shocks within them. The miraculous properties of Hyaluronic acid do not end there: this substance has a protective function
by virtue of its lattice structure and acts as a filter against toxic substances. It also has an anti-inflammatory and healing and repair damaged tissues.

Hyaluronic acid is produced industrially today from bacterial cultures (a time was extracted from animal sources, in particular cockscombs). It is used as a filler to fight the imperfections and reshape hands, breasts and lips.

It is also used in ophthalmology for the production of artificial tears in the treatment of dry eye syndrome, to treat lesions and inflammation of the tissues and as a lubricant for the joints, in which case it is injected locally.

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