Tuesday 11 September 2012


The best ideas are often the simplest. Witness, in the 60s, a Chilean doctor noted that the state of his patients improved when asked to express their emotions physically to music. In 1977, this technique grows throughout South America, outside of hospital settings, and takes the name of Biodanza.

The Biodanza is taught in France for ten years. Today, this discipline is not only therapeutic. It simply aims to let the body express what we feel. How? It's very simple. Each gives free rein to his imagination and is spontaneously movements and dance steps on Latin rhythms, jazz, classical, pop and even varieties. Through games of marches, dances both face to face, round ... the Biodanza (A "dance of life" in some way).

For whom? For everyone regardless of age, (there are even classes for toddlers), and especially for those who wish to combine movement and personal development.

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